Our solutions allows companies to delegate to their employees on where they can sign or purchase - and let you specify the duration, scope or amount, partners and suppliers.
The contracted partner can read the information from our API and allow purchasing, verified by eID, from the delegatee. All is traceable through the blockchain.
Being an employer often the question comes up on what your employees are allowed to perform in the name of the company. Who is allowed to sign a contract or purchase something in the name of the company? And as an employee one has to handle this by private payment in advanced. This often results in complex manual handling of bills and reimbursement. Delori solves this problem by delegating specific rights to employees and enabling freedom.
In an ever more digital world, with home office as a new de-facto standard, it is important to empower employees. Our API allows to send in any values but we have simplified the process by providing a standard schema for delegating the ability to sign a contract or purchase in the name of a company.
Standard Schema to Sign Contract in name of an organisation:
An employee shall be allowed to sign a contract in the name of the company? We provide a solution where one can define what can be signed, the time period, and any other attribute one wants to add. Simply by adding the right attributes to the contract.
Purchase in the name of a company:
You probably know the problem of privately purchasing something for work and then having to be reimbursed. It is often quite a complex process, making it hard for people to be empowered in a company context. With Delori companies can allow employees to purchase in the name of a company, even approve purchases remotely by ensuring true identity at any time.